We take our sports almost as seriously as we take our socials . . . we mean studies! If you want to build up friendships and create a unique relationship with people in your year and upper years, joining a sports team is one definite way to do that regardless of experience! We strongly encourage you at Glasgow to have a healthy balance of studying, exercising, and socializing!
Our biggest sports day is Dick Day which takes place every November. Glasgow Vets take on the Edinburgh 'Dick' Vets in brutal head to head battles in each individual sport to win the bragging rights for a year of being Dick Day champions!
Come out to the Freshers Fayre to meet some team and club members and get information on trainings. If you missed out on Freshers Fayre, no worries! You can join any team during any training session, just show up and check out the Facebook group for training times and places!

Come and join the best club around for some great chat and great hockey ! Everyone is welcome so come along and give it a try ! We do training weekly and try to incorporate intramural matches throughout the years with Medics Dentists and Law, as well as having some incredible socials from Pre's for vet events, to Potluck dinners and post training nights out. Vet Hockey is THE best way to meet new people throughout vet school and create the best memories of your life!

The Vet Riding Team is separate from the main university's team, but you may compete with both. We compete on Dick Day and the International Riding Team Competition hosted by Edinburgh University. We enter two teams with four riders each for Dick Day, and one team with three to four riders during IRTC.

We hold trainings up until Dick Day! Times and days of training may vary, so check the Facebook group for details! Players are also welcome to join the Main University Women's or Men's teams that train on Tuesday and Thursdays 7-8.30pm.
Note for men: mixed lacrosse uses womens sticks and womens' rules.

A group of enthusiastic veterinary students united by their love of picking up heavy objects and putting them down again. In regular times, we run a weightlifting room full of heavy objects (near the lockers), students coach each-other and coaches have the perk of getting free membership and some pay for their efforts. If you want to get involved, or even become one of our coaches, please get in contact!

All vet students welcome - whether you're a complete beginner or experienced we would love to have you! We usually have sessions twice a week from the first week of term until Dick Day. We try to organise lots of friendly challenge games for those who are interested and of course plenty of socials!