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One Health is the idea that by increasing communication and collaboration between professionals in the human, animal, and environmental health fields you can create solutions that are better for all. The Glasgow University One Health Society (GUOHS) formally became a club in 2020, and since then has worked tirelessly to help turn One Health ideas into action. In the midst of a pandemic, we created initiatives to help people network and connect via our Sofa Sessions and Blog. We helped students become better consumers and supported local, sustainable shops through our "Shop Local. Shop Sustainable." campaign. We have been working on programs to make our campus more environmentally friendly through our Green Fleet and our Recycling Center on campus. In short, we hit the ground running and have continued to make strides ever since. We are always looking for creative and meaningful ways to make a change and keep this forward momentum we have started. Keep an eye out for our events this year, as we have some exciting programs in mind! To become a member, all you have to do is sign-up or contact us, and you will receive emails with what we are up to and current opportunities to get involved!


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@2021 BY GUVMA.

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