GUVMA Kitchen
GUVMA Kitchen is located near the lockers, and would be available during normal MSB opening hours. There are kettles, microwave, fridge, sinks, mugs and more kitchen equipment for all members at the vet school to use. We also provide milk (dairy, almond, oat), instant coffee and hot chocolate, tea bags and snacks, which would be restocked by the GUVMA Food Officer regularly. The Kindness Kabinet also provides food options such as canned food, soup sachets and oatmeal.
Kindness Kabinet
GUVMA's job is to oversee the Kindness Kabinet. The vet school understands the impact the current economy has on students, and we are fortunate to have received donations so we can continue to have supplies during term time.

Students using the GUVMA kitchen are expected to clean after themselves. All equipment must be washed and returned after using. GUVMA is not responsible for cleaning. If the kitchen is left untidy, it would ultimately effect other students. We kindly ask everyone who uses the kitchen to keep it clean.