A message from your social reps:
I am looking forward to meeting all of you guys, and I am sure you will have the time of your lives here! We have planned numerous activities in which you will be able to meet your classmates so you will build lasting relationships before you know it! If you need help with anything or would like to kick back over a cup of coffee, feel free to reach out!
We have a lot of exciting events planned for you and we hope they will give you the opportunity to connect in-person with your peers to make new memories, experience leadership opportunities, establish lifelong friendships, gain real world learning, and of course, have fun! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you have, and I look forward to seeing you on campus.
Stephen & Vashundhara 2022-23 GUVMA Social Reps
Freshers Forum
Organised by GUVMA Exec/Social Reps/PR Rep
The first official vet school event to welcome the vet and biovets into the family. This is a chance for freshers to meet the people they're going to work/play/suffer with for the next 4 (if you're a biovet) or 5 years......or 6+ years if you enjoy going out too much!
Freshers Fayre
Organised by GUVMA Exec/social reps
Don't just study all day, join an organization! The GUVMA Freshers Fayre is a cultural smorgasbord of sports teams, associations, clubs, non-profits, and societies that want YOUR membership. Whether you want to join a sports team or have a go at knitting or polo, or you have an interest in exotics/zoo medicine - there's a group for everyone!
Welcome Back Party
Organised by Social Reps
Dress up like an fool and trade summer tales! Expect a big night of a hard sesh, and hopefully lots of Nicki Minaj.
Welcome Back Ceilidh
Organised by Final Year Vets
It's time to strip that Willow and Gay those Gordons. Anyone who hasn't ceilidh'd before? Its a traditional Scottish dance that you will become a pro at by final year. . . or perhaps not.
Godspeed, my friends.
Organised by Third Year Vets
A night to remember; full of fantastic fancy dress and more terror than Govan on a Friday night! You never know what might happen . . . Prepare to get spooky!
AVS Sports Weekend
Organised by AVS Reps
An absolutely cracking weekend!!!! Full of pub crawls, befriending other vet students from across the UK, and loads of crude chanting. WE LOVE YOU GLASGOW!
Oh, and apparently some 'sports' also occur at some point
Dick Day
Organised by the Sports Reps.
Okay, this time we DO play sports.
It's Glasgow vs. THEM. (The Edinburgh 'Royal Dick' Vets... Yep, that's the name of their school). We always win! Even when we don't... With sports ranging from rugby to netball to ultimate frisbee, its a ton of fun and all to play for!
Christmas Party and Ceilidh
Organised by Trusty Paws
End the first term with some festive frivolities! There will be a ceilidh played by our very own Vet School Music Club!
Welcome Back After Christmas Party
Organised by Second Year Vets
Brave that winter chill and warm up at another Welcome Back Extravaganza! More themes, more dancing . . . you get the idea.
Burns Night
Organised by the Biovets
Don yer finest kilts ye lads, lassies dress to the nines, force down ye sheep's stomachs and get ready for dances that'll bruise yer body worse than a peach rolling down an ol' flight o' stairs.
AVS Congress
Organised by the AVS reps
A great event where, similar to AVS Sports Weekend, all the vet schools get together but this time there is no attempt at sports, instead a chance to learn during the day, and a Congress Ball that is the highlight of the night.
Vet School Does Dodgeball
Organised by Sports Reps
Join a team of whoever you can round up and prepare to DODGE, DUCK, DIP, DIVE, AND.......DODGE!!
Mr. Vet School
Organised by the Fourth Year Vets
Get ready to ask questions like 'How did he get into that dress and do a split?' and 'Why is this happening?' as plucky male contenders from across the vet school compete in our own 'Beauty Pageant'. The best, worst, and most confusing thing you will see all year.
Vet Ball
Organised by Social Reps
A very classy kilted/black tie evening of fine dining and dancing that takes place in February. It is part of 'The Weekend of Dreams' kicked off by Mr. Vet School, followed by Old Boys Rugby and Football matches, and topped off with everyone from vet school old and new displaying a bit of class! Dresses/Kilts/Suits expected!
Vet School Revue
Organised by the Fourth Year Vets
You thought your embarrassing deeds would be kept a secret by your loyal and trustworthy friends? 'Fraid not son. Buckle up for an hour of naming and shaming as the Revue reveals all in dramatic and musical form.
Elections Week
This is where things get real. Love it or hate it, get ready to be swept up in election fever. Facebook is no longer a safe place, neither are the walls or doors of Vet School as the faces of those thirsty for your votes cover them in poster-form. Politics has never been so good!
Rodeo Subcrawl
Organised by the Rodeo Committee
When else can you ride the subway in a cowboy hat and raise money for charity simultaneously? Attempt to get around the whole circuit without being chucked off and (if you can). Win the ultimate prize by selling the most raffle tickets to the punters you meet along the way! Get excited!
Rodeo Day and After Party Ceilidh
Organised by The Rodeo Committee
Rodeo is an amazing event that has been going for more than 50 years! Its a fantastic day out for everyone (who DOESN'T get a kick out of duck herding?!) and raises money for loads of charities. Everyone at vet school can get involved and help out on the day, and will be rewarded with a free BBQ hosted by GUVMA and an after party ceilidh in the emptied Main Marquee - the only ceilidh we do in wellies with enough space to dance! As this is one of our last events of the year, its time to show how much your dancing skills have improved over the year!
Final Fling
Organised by Social Reps
Its time to send the Final Years off in true Vet School Style - they have after all survived their way through it! They do their Raft Race across the Kelvin during the day then descend on a marquee in the grounds of Vet School with a BBQ put on by GUVMA and a DJ to ensure everyone dances the night away!